We’re excited to introduce the next amazing #ItsUptoUs campaign ambassador helping to #SaveMountainPaths in Scotland.

Lorna (better known as @gurl_on_the_hill on Instagram) is a Scottish adventurer and mountain-lover. She says:
“Hi! I’m Lorna and I live in the Highlands of Scotland. I’m a passionate every-day adventurer with a love for the outdoors, mountains, trails, forests, oceans, rivers and lochs.

“My childhood was spent mostly in the outdoors with family camping and hiking weekends, day trips to the hills and local hikes in the forest. From a young age, I always felt a strong connection with the outdoors and the hills and couldn’t wait for the next adventure. I lost that connection in my 20s and early 30s when other priorities in life took over.

“Looking back, I was so busy with the day-to-day pressures I forgot to give myself regular time for an outlet, space to think, reflect, process, and have fun.
“I rediscovered my love for the mountains when my friend asked if I’d like to climb Ben Lomond. I enjoyed every minute. It reignited that passion in me, and I remembered who I really was. I’ve never looked back since. It’s now a big part of my life and I make sure I allow myself time in my busy schedule to do what I love the most. It’s also opened up a door to a wonderful hiking community and I’ve made so many connections and lifelong friends.

“I’m delighted to support the It’s Up to Us campaign and help raise awareness of the importance of maintaining upland paths. It’s so important for the hiking and outdoors community of Scotland to make a difference collectively. It’s up to us to keep our paths maintained so we can continue to enjoy our beautiful mountains together.

“Mountain paths are a fantastic way of looking after our environment, the land and delicate eco systems by minimising our ‘footprint’. Plus, give me a path over a muddy bog any day!”
Find out more, get involved and donate: www.savemountainpaths.scot
In partnership with the Outdoor Access Trust for Scotland
Sponsored by Cotswold Outdoor