It’s Up to Us is a new three-year campaign to raise awareness of the desperate need for investment in the repair and maintenance of informal mountain paths across Scotland. Initially, the campaign will focus on raising £300,000 to fund the repair the mountain path from Dundonnell on An Teallach – one of Scotland’s most iconic mountains – which has become badly eroded due to its popularity and the extremes of Scottish weather.
To kick off the campaign, a new launch video has been filmed on location in Dundonnell, with key supporters and ambassadors travelling to An Teallach in the Northwest Highlands to take part.
Alongside Mountaineering Scotland CEO, Stuart Younie, and OATS CEO, Dougie Baird, It’s Up to Us campaign ambassadors Ross Cunningham (@ross_cunningham_hiking), Lorna Bray (@gurl_on_the_hill) and Benjamin Barendrecht (@benjamin_barendrecht) joined the filming, each taking the time to talk about the importance of Scotland’s mountain paths and why we so desperately need the new campaign in order to save them.
Taking place over two days, Duncan Bryden, Chairman of OATS, John Fowler, Chairman of the Scottish Mountaineering Trust, Brian Shackleton, President of Mountaineering Scotland and Helen Gestwicki, Membership and Communications Manager for Mountaineering Scotland also joined the filming.
Despite some very Scottish, windy weather, the filming was a huge success, and everyone involved had a fantastic few days in the hills, discussing their love of mountain paths and getting to know one another.
The new video will premiere at the official It’s Up to Us campaign launch in Perth, which takes place on the 25th of May at the Black Watch Castle & Museum, before being shared across social media.